Working Effectively With Elderly Clients

Thoughtful consideration of the unique bio-psycho-social characteristics of this group can enhance the therapeutic process. This workshop will review this life stage based on adult developmental models, and we will consider the impact of cognitive conditions and physical illness that might impact how a client engages in therapy. We will explore treatment approaches that utilize […]

Free – $40

Grief During The Holidays

The end of the year, with all of its holiday celebrations in many segments of the population, typically brings out significant feelings of loss and loneliness due to grief. 2020 and 2021 have been especially poignant given the separation that has been necessary both while supporting dying loved ones, and while trying to maintain meaningful […]

Free – $40

Advanced Strategies for Counseling ADHD Clients

This workshop is offered to those who have taken the “Counseling ADHD Clients” workshop and have learned the basic strategies for helping adults with ADHD. Participants will learn strategies that deal with home management, work management, personal management and medication management. The presentation will helps clients with ADHD more effectively manage their lives. Objectives: 1. […]

Free – $65

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): Implications for Mental Health

Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) occurs in babies that experience prenatal exposure to opioids. These substances could be prescription (e.g., methadone and oxycodone) or illegal (e.g., heroin) in nature. When the baby no longer receives the drug after birth, withdrawal symptoms such as vomiting, seizures, sensory sensitivity, and loss of weight become apparent. This syndrome can […]

Free – $40

Training 1: Self-Regulation Deficits and Prenatal Trauma

Training 1: Self-Regulation Deficits and Prenatal Trauma: Screening, Intervention Strategies, Common Concerns, and Special Considerations Self-regulation abilities are critical to a diverse range of emotional, behavioral, social, and physical health functions. When self-regulation abilities are compromised, the likelihood of several short- and long-term outcomes such as problematic behaviors and risky decision-making increases. Designed for professionals […]

Free – $40