Vision: The Adler Graduate School Alumni Association will develop and model a strong community of alumni through continuing personal and professional relationships by encouraging the continued use of Adlerian principles

Mission: The Adler Graduate School Alumni Association provides opportunities to participate and contribute to the continued development of the graduate school, our community, and society as a whole.

How does Adler Graduate School Alumni Association contribute directly to Adler Alumni?

  • All Adler Graduate School graduates are members of the Alumni Association and are invited to all Advisory Board Meetings and Information sessions. There is no cost for membership. Alumni may take advantage of half price workshop CE presentations by purchasing a $60.00 per year subscription.
  • The Association offers the Friday Institute for Continuing Education series. Earn yours at half price with Alumni Subscription.
  • Join us for Alumni lunches and reunions – watch for notices.
  • Email Nikki for current job opportunities link for new positions.

How do our Adler Graduate School Alumni Contribute to the school?

  • By volunteering to be on the Advisory Board, helping to choose workshop content and speakers, and getting free workshops.
  • By volunteering to do workshop presentations.
  • By volunteering to moderate Tuesday or Thursday groups at noon.
  • By contributing yearly to the Alumni Diversity Scholarship fund to train diverse students to work in diverse communities.
  • By contributing articles and job postings to the Alumni Newsletter.
  • By joining mentor groups.
  • By joining the sliding scale supervisor group.
  • By purchasing a yearly subscription for half price CE workshops.

Alumni Resources

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