Self-Regulation Deficits and Neurodevelopmental Disorder

When self-regulation abilities are compromised, the likelihood of several short- and long-term outcomes such as problematic behaviors and risky decision-making increases. Designed for professionals working in mental health and substance use treatment settings, this training provides attendees with a working understanding of the causes, consequences, and interventions associated with self-regulation deficits among persons diagnosed with […]

$16 – $40

CANCELLED: Integrating Psychedelic Experiences in Psychotherapy

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND WILL BE RESCHEDULED Introduction to Psychedelic Medicine: Learn about psychedelic medicines through the lens of world history, past and current research, and how psychedelic medicines may change the treatment of trauma. Understanding cultural context and the application of psychedelics in traditional and medical settings, and how that is applied […]

$25 – $65

Eating Disorders and Negative Body Image – Part 1

According to the National Institute of Mental Health: There is a commonly held misconception that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with severe disturbances in people’s eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Preoccupation with food, body weight, and shape may also signal […]

$16 – $40

Eating Disorders and Negative Body Image – Part 2

According to the National Institute of Mental Health: There is a commonly held misconception that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with severe disturbances in people’s eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Preoccupation with food, body weight, and shape may also signal […]

$16 – $40

Clinical Supervision Training

This course provides 45 hours of training in clinical supervision. The course covers major models of clinical supervision; development and maintenance of the supervisor-supervisee relationship; ethical and legal aspects in clinical supervision; cultural competence in clinical supervision; and structuring, intervention, and evaluation practices in clinical supervision. Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1. […]


Self-Regulation Deficits and Traumatic Brain Injury #7

Self-regulation abilities are critical to a diverse range of emotional, behavioral, social, and physical health functions. When self-regulation abilities are compromised, the likelihood of several short- and long-term outcomes such as problematic behaviors and risky decision-making increases. Designed for professionals working in mental health and substance use treatment settings, this training provides attendees with a […]

$16 – $40

Suicide Assessment and Intervention

This course will give participants an overview of the current state of suicide in the country and the state of Minnesota within families and with individuals. It will also include an increased focus on suicidal thoughts and behaviors as it applies to first responders. It will help the participants better assess their suicidal clients and […]

$25 – $65

Ethics Refresher Course for Marriage and Family Therapists, Summer 2022

How do Marriage and Family Therapists practice ethically in a rapidly changing world? Join us for this current and responsive training on how to cultivate and maintain, a relevant ethical lens while practicing marriage and family therapy.  This course is online for 3 hours on Friday, August 12, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 2:15 PM. It […]

Free – $60

Self-Regulation Deficits and Challenging and Problematic Behaviors

Self-regulation abilities are critical to a diverse range of emotional, behavioral, social, and physical health functions. When self-regulation abilities are compromised, the likelihood of several short- and long-term outcomes such as problematic behaviors and risky decision-making increases. Designed for professionals working in mental health and substance use treatment settings, this training provides attendees with a […]

$16 – $40

Using Adlerian Theory to Excel – A two day presentation

This workshop will present Alfred Adler's views of the Primal Self to help us understand and work on marriage relationship issues of conflict, cohesion, and connection. This is a two part, two day series scheduled one month apart to allow for individual learning experiences. Part one is on Friday, August 26, 2022, from 11:00am to […]

$50 – $130

Driver Aggression and Road Rage: Causes, Consequences, and Intervention

Aggressive driving and road rage are concerning behaviors that have significant societal implications. Intended for professionals, this training will examine the causes, triggering events, consequences, and common forms of aggressive driving behaviors and road rage. A section of this training will also examine screening and intervention options appropriate for persons who engage in these behaviors. […]

$16 – $40

Self-Regulation Deficits and Intimate Partner Violence -9

Self-regulation abilities are critical to a diverse range of emotional, behavioral, social, and physical health functions. When self-regulation abilities are compromised, the likelihood of several short- and long-term outcomes such as problematic behaviors and risky decision-making increases. Designed for professionals working in mental health and substance use treatment settings, this training provides attendees with a […]

$16 – $40