Adler Graduate School strives to make our outcome data accessible and transparent. Program data allows us to critically analyze information about our activities, characteristics, and outcomes to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming decisions for the purpose of improving student learning and development. Our student outcomes are a collection of performance indicators and/or statements that clearly state the expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies that students are expected to acquire at an institution of higher education. We collect and analyze data in three core areas that informs institutional decision-making, improvement planning, problem identification, curriculum planning, goal setting, faculty development, course revision, program review, and accountability.


  1. Student Learning: Provide state-of-the-art academic programming guided by competency-based standards and outcomes.
    1. Demonstrate foundational knowledge, including legal and ethical practice, of the counseling profession.
    2. Demonstrate understanding and application of theory as it is used in Adlerian assessment, case conceptualization, goal setting, and treatment.
    3. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and integrative competencies to enter into a counseling career focused on working with individuals, families, and groups within diverse communities.
    4. Demonstrate personal and professional growth, through the use of supervision and professional dispositions, to recognize areas of strength and growth in the development of professional identity.
  2. Learning Environment: Provide an active and inclusive learning environment where students utilize self-reflection, feedback, and skill acquisition to gain meaning and generate new knowledge.
  3. Professional Readiness: Prepare students to offer quality professional counseling services that focus on transforming society through social interest in action.

Outcome #1: Student Learning: Provide state-of-the-art academic programming guided by competency-based standards and outcomes.

  1. Demonstrate foundational knowledge, including legal and ethical practice, of the counseling profession.
  2. Demonstrate understanding and application of theory as it is used in Adlerian assessment, case conceptualization, goal setting, and treatment.
  3. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and integrative competencies to enter into a counseling career focused on working with individuals, families, and groups within diverse communities.
  4. Demonstrate personal and professional growth, through the use of supervision and professional dispositions, to recognize areas of strength and growth in the development of professional identity.

Key performance indicators are used to assess student learning and to determine decisions we make regarding curriculum and student experiences. 

Evaluation of outcome #1 is based on a series of data, which includes the below. Evaluation of the data can be found in the annual reports.

  • Program Learning Outcomes (Student learning outcomes state what students are expected to know or be able to do upon completion of a course or program).
  • Course and Faculty Surveys
  • Exit Survey Data
  • Student Dispositions
  • Academic Portfolios
  • Student Professional Development
  • Faculty Performance

Outcome #2: Learning Environment: Provide an active and inclusive learning environment where students utilize self-reflection, feedback, and skill acquisition to gain meaning and generate new knowledge.

A measure of academic program effectives includes evaluating our programs, systems, and student retention, persistence, and completion rates. Evaluation of outcome #2 is based on a series of data, which includes the below. Evaluation of the data can be found in the annual reports.

  • Program Reviews
  • Field Experience Data
  • Quality of Advising
  • Student Preparedness Data
  • Accuracy and Relevancy of Program Documents, Systems, and Tools
  • Retention, Persistence, and Completion Rates (One of the key performance indicators in Adler Graduate School’s institutional effectiveness plan is the tracking of student persistence, attrition, retention, and graduation rates in order to identify areas for improvement.) The institution collects and analyzes data on specific indicators by using IPEDS definitions and methodologies. AGS also tracks graduation rates and post-graduate opportunities for students. The below reports are from the Office of the Registrar.

Outcome #3: Professional Readiness: Prepare students to offer quality professional counseling services that focus on transforming society through social interest in action.

When students graduate from AGS they enter into service careers or professional work focused on transforming society through social interest in action. We support outreach efforts and recognize the importance of community engagement. We strive to provide students hands on training and professional development opportunities through our community partners. Evaluation of outcome #3 is based on a series of data, which includes the below. Evaluation of the data can be found in the annual reports.

American counseling Association Workforce Survey